So there was this one orange liqueur chocolate for my postprandial craving… #nowhaving
Reaction when asked to finish breakfast before playing. #stormtooper
So did someone say that we’re off to visit some water bodies? #toystories#lego #31071
#nowhaving Dosas with a mushroom-date-hazelnut-basil chutney for #dinner
Behold the leaning tower of falafel patties… Right next to a smoky ghost pepper honey mayonnaise… Hope this #lunch doesn’t wind up becoming the #breakfast…
When you need biriyani really really urgently, this is what you do… You go out and get one of these… #nowhaving #dinner
Sarsaparilla syrup + lemon + raw mango + wine = super cool summer drink #nowhaving
While I’m still waiting for my flying car, I think I’ll make do with the #jetsons Capsule Car #hotwheels #toystories
Time to finish off the last couple of #anthonberg chocolates…
Presenting the Scarlet Destrier..