Text [Checkin] Checked in at Junior Kuppanna Xavier | September 30, 2018 A late #lunch… Location: Junior Kuppanna.
Text [Checkin] Checked in at Sunrise View Point Xavier | September 30, 2018 A tad late for sunrise…. Location: Sunrise View Point.
Text [Video] Getting ready for the twists and turns of Yercaud Xavier | September 30, 2018 https://scontent.cdninstagram.com/vp/e3d722fcf8084384f4ceb755ee48234f/5BB2676F/t50.2886-16/42936973_1953872874669048_8273204626322479269_n.mp4 Getting ready for the twists and turns of #yercaud #roadtrip
image [Photo] After a day of sightseeing, time for a game of cards 🃏 Xavier | September 29, 2018 After a day of sightseeing, time for a game of cards 🃏