So when he said he was feeling bored and wanted to play something. I decided to cook up a mini D&D game for him based on the previous night’s story.
What happens when you want to play a mini DnD and you don’t have the required items? You make your own new game.
Today’s game involved a Scrabble board taking the place of a dungeon or labyrinth. Upside-down tiles become loot/gold and normal tiles formed walls/traps. Theseus was represented by a fish from a fishing game and the Minotaur was a Lego construct.
The rules were simple. Each throw of a dice gets Theseus an equal number of turns whereas the Minotaur can move only one space. A roll of 4 gets Theseus 4 turns in which he can move 1 or more spaces per turn while the same nets only 4 spaces for the Minotaur. Theseus follows the Rook rule as in Chess whereas the Minotaur follows the King rule.
Max was Theseus and I played the Minotaur. It was a fun game that Max enjoyed and I tried to bring in a d20 throw also into the gameplay. Google’s throw a d20 command worked well enough for us.
Now Max will expect more such games… ๐