This question was inspired by The Art of Noticings by Rob Walker.
There is a difference between commuting through life vs cruising through it.
COMMUTING, active verb, is to travel along with the assumption that every godforsaken human being currently on this planet is in my way. – Timothy “Speed” Levitch
When you are approaching life as a commute, you are in a state on constant rush. Everyone you encounter is a hindrance on the way. Your life goal then becomes a sole of getting to the end of the journey.
CRUISING, also a verb, active verb, is the immediate appreciation of the beauty immediately around you in your immediacy. – Timothy “Speed” Levitch
On the other hand, when you look at it as a cruise, you have the time to notice things as you journey. And that can bring you joy.
So once again, are we living our lives as a commute or as a cruise?