What is life if not the shadow of a fleeting dream?
โ€• Umberto Eco, Baudolino

This is an archive of various status posts that I post on Whatsapp/Instagram.

Walked 4,484 steps. Distance: 2kms.
Dosas with Mint Chutney
One of the most visually stunning movies I've seen these couple of years and that ominous background score by Zimmer
Vegetable Biriyani
Time for ๐Ÿ Played for CX Super Kings in the Genesys Premier League. Ended Runner-up. Location: Sumangali Cricket Ground. It
Banana and Samosas - Pre-match food
Walked 10,930 steps. Distance: 7kms.
Idlis with Onion Chutney
Chapathis with Carrot-Beans Fry
Strawberry-Banana Oats Milkshake