My reading log as a calendar ( via
Back in the saddle for the first time in 2018...  : Evening Ride  : 5043.0 metres  : 29 minutes, 12
So I should just flap my arms up and down to fly, right?
Chapatis with Peas & Potato Curry
An interesting discussion by two of my favourite authors on writing and how to tell stories. Science fiction and fantasy
Idlis with Tomato-Brinjal-Potato Chutney
Walked 5,157 steps. Distance: 3kms.
A relaxing hibiscus flower tisane with a dash of maple syrup as the holidays come to an end. #nowhaving
Kambu Semiya (Pearl Millet) with Citron Pickle
Rice with paruppu podi, rasam, and curd with banana stem stir-fry
Pooris with Coconut Chutney