Jan 01 – 03, 2021

The first week of Twenty Twenty-One wasn’t that great a start.

  • Max had been diagnosed with a minor variant of chickenpox. As a result, we decided to stay back at Palaniyarpalayam instead of returning to Chennai on the 2nd as planned.
  • With the decision to stay taken, planning for work and school was a concern. The lack of internet connectivity is always the bane here at Sophia’s place.
  • Getting back to work with almost a fortnight off from work, being productive right away might be a problem. The decision to stay back also doesn’t help. Luckily, I do not expect a rather hectic workload for the first couple of weeks in 2021.
  • I’d archived my earlier version of this blog for a newer version this year. Most of my time has been spent in adding #indieweb functionalities to the site.
  • Food tracking is back this year and I guess I might have to start losing the extra pounds that I’ve gained over the holidays.
  • I also kicked off my #booksof2021 reading with a Green Lantern graphic novel. I plan of doing a Books of 2020 post soon.
  • I also posted my first note based on my #zettelkasten. I hope to publish more posts/articles from my zettelkasten. As of now, Obsidian is the tool of choice.
  • Since Max is confined to a room, both of us watched both Wonder Woman movies, Wonder Woman and WW84. He loved both movies. My chances of making him a DC fan are increasing. 😀