[Article] Upgrading Firefly-III on Heroku

I’ve been an on-and-off user of Firefly III, a personal open-source self-hosted finances manager. It is cool and I like it very much solely because it does not have an auto-import option.
I am running it on a Heroku instance which allows me to access it from anywhere. Ideally, I would want it to be running from this domain and that’s an activity that I’m procrastinating upon.
With frequent updates, updating my Heroku instance was a bit cumbersome. The official docs says:

Backup the PGS database from Heroku’s dashboard, then create a new application (or destroy the database on your existing one).

Now that’s too much of work for me. So instead, I am following this approach (stolen from MonicaHQ’s docs):

  1. Clone the Firefly-III repository to your local environment by
    git clone https://github.com/firefly-iii/firefly-iii.git.
  2.  Add your app’s heroku git repository by
    heroku git:remote -a <app-name>.
  3.  Push to heroku by git push heroku master. Heroku will build and update the repository, automatically.

This seems to work quite fine for me.