This does not include music listened to Amazon Music Desktop and Alexa as
there seems to be no way to scrobble Amazon Music data to

  • Total tracks: 156
  • Total unique tracks: 141
  • Song Repetition: 1.11

Top Ten Tracks

  1. DarlingsideSingularity (4 plays)
  2. Joy WilliamsFront Porch (3 plays)
  3. Ben HowardA Boat To an Island On the Wall (2 plays)
  4. Ben HowardAll Down the Mines (Interlude) (2 plays)
  5. Ben HowardNica Libres At Dusk (2 plays)
  6. Ben HowardSomeone In the Doorway (2 plays)
  7. Ben HowardThe Defeat (2 plays)
  8. Ben HowardTowing the Line (2 plays)
  9. Ben HowardWhat the Moon Does (2 plays)
  10. Father John MistyEverything Is Free – Recorded at Spotify Studios NYC (2 plays)

Top Artists

  1. Ben Howard (18 plays)
  2. Johnny Cash (13 plays)
  3. Bonnie ‘Prince’ Billy (11 plays)
  4. Joy Williams (11 plays)
  5. Darlingside (4 plays)
  6. Paddy Reilly (4 plays)
  7. The Dubliners (4 plays)
  8. Bahamas (3 plays)
  9. Luke Kelly (3 plays)
  10. The Wolfe Tones (3 plays)

Top Albums

  1. Ben Howard Noonday Dream (17 plays)
  2. Johnny Cash American III: Solitary Man (13 plays)
  3. Bonnie ‘Prince’ Billy I See a Darkness (11 plays)
  4. Joy Williams Front Porch (6 plays)
  5. Darlingside Extralife (4 plays)
  6. Johnny McEvoy 1916 Easter Rising (Commemorative Collection) (2 plays)
  7. The Wolfe Tones 25th Anniversary (2 plays)
  8. Joy Williams Don’t Let Me Down (2 plays)
  9. Lord Huron Spotify Singles (2 plays)
  10. Father John Misty Spotify Singles (2 plays)

Data Sources