Wishing you all puny humans a #happynewyear ’cause 2019 might be the year we take over… #lego #toystories
And there he was… Flying across the bridge, and I followed him… Entry from the journal of #theredskull #lego #toystories
While I’m still waiting for my flying car, I think I’ll make do with the #jetsons Capsule Car #hotwheels #toystories
https://scontent.cdninstagram.com/vp/fbfb3ba9ec322d788014f1febfa93de9/5AD7E389/t50.2886-16/30717535_1693376277419868_3473343640690858315_n.mp4 Remember: Brake into a corner, hit the apex, and acclerate out of the corner… #racingrules #toystories