Odyssey Redux

We shall not cease from exploration
And the end of all our exploring
Will be to arrive where we started
And know the place for the first time.
― T.S. Eliot, Four Quartets

Here I am again, still trying to make sense of blogging again in the age of social media.

I’ve become dissatisfied with the current state of social media. I’ve been slowly withdrawing from it over the past couple of years. My dissatisfaction with what social media promised at the start and what it has become now is why I’m trying to start writing again on my own site.

The advantage of owning your domain is that it is an eternal sandbox that you can always play with. You can build it up or raze it down to rebuild.

I’m not sure of how long this will remain or when I decide to refresh again. But then again, I’m considering it a new start for the new year and let’s see where this odyssey leads. And I hope I can resist the siren’s call of social media and use this space more than the previous years.

I used to use Huffduffer a lot when I started listening to podcasts. But over time, I think I stopped listening to podcasts once I started listening to audiobooks on my commute and walks. Recently, i’ve started to listening to podcasts again and you can find my listens and the feed here.
Right now, I either add the listen feeds manually from my podcatcher or use an IFTTT flow to import items from my huffduffer feed to the blog.