In search of a nemesis, Harley goes after Batman, but ends up with an adolescent Robin, making her the laughing stock of the criminal underworld.
Realizing she needs a crew to pull off heists that will attract the Legion of Doom’s attention, Harley attempts to recruit Dr. Psycho and Clayface.
Determined to become one of the vaunted Legion of Doom, Harley attempts to make a big splash by crashing one of their criminal enterprises with the help of her BFF, Poison Ivy.
Harley set’s off to rule Gotham City and separate herself from being known as “Joker’s Girlfriend”.
Pariah enlists Black Lightning to help stop the Anti-Monitor after Flash-90 Shares what he learned from his battle in Elseworlds. With Black Lightning’s help, Barry Cisco and Killer Frost come up with a plan that could save them. Iris has a heart-to-heart with Ryan Choi. Oliver and Diggle return to an old familiar stomping ground.
The group uses Ray’s invention to track new recruits to help save the universe. The Monitor sends Iris, Clark and Lois in search of a mysterious Kryptonian, while Kate and Kara head out to find Bruce Wayne. In addition, Mia challenges Sara, Rory discovers a hidden talent, and Lex Luthor returns.