Books of 2020

My reading log as a calendar ( via

Idlis with Onion Chutney
Chapathis with Carrot-Beans Fry
Strawberry-Banana Oats Milkshake
This Night Shifter says Rise and Shine... #toystories
Walked 9,139 steps. Distance: 5kms.
Tomato Dosa with Coconut Chutney and some Mint-Coriander Rice with Broccoli Fry
“It was easy to pretend that all was right with the world. It never is, of course, and never was,
Vermicelli with Coconut Chutney & Curd
Walked 1,619 steps. Distance: 1kms.
Phylo is a project that began as a reaction to the following nugget of information: Kids know more about Pokemon