The first working week of 2021

  • There were a lot of emails catching up to do and stuff to plan at work.
  • At work, we bid farewell to Balaji as he departs for a different path in his career. I would miss him as my idea-bouncing wall. 👋
  • Max has got better and from Wednesday, he has been unquarantined 🙂 and is spent the rest of the week catching up on missed television and mobile games.
  • Since the holidays began, Max and I have been reading a few pages of JL8 as bedtime reading. He has been loving it. Once this ends, I might have find another way to get him to read a bit before sleep.
  • Wednesday was the eight anniversary of Mom’s passing away. I got to spend some time at her grave wondering about how things might have been if she was still with us. 😢
  • Tenet was a nice movie that I finally caught up with. I would definitely try to watch it in the theatres if they have a show.
  • As part of own-your-data, I’ve now got sleep posts working as private posts via IFTTT/micropub. Check-ins via Swarm are also available as private posts. I’ll be adding exercise (again as private posts) next week.
  • And you can now search for emojis in search like this: 🦸‍♀️
  • I still haven’t found the time to write the 2020 Review posts.
  • The first trip got underway on Saturday with the return to Chennai.